L’écosystème canadien des biens de consommation est extraordinairement complexe. Au cœur de cet écosystème se trouvent des millions d’individus et de familles, chacun avec des expériences, des attitudes, des croyances et des aspirations différentes. Leurs désirs et leurs motivations pour acheter des produits de consommation sont étroitement liés aux moments importants de la vie, aux occasions d’utilisation et aux besoins.
Les choix permettant de satisfaire ces besoins évoluent rapidement. Le commerce de détail est un paysage diversifié, concurrentiel et omnicanal, imprégné par les médias sociaux, la recherche numérique et le magasinage en ligne. Les catégories de produits se transforment de manière dynamique en réponse à l’évolution des priorités des consommateurs en matière de santé et de bien-être, d’environnement, d’authenticité et de valeur économique.
La mission de Vista Grande Canada est de créer un cadre clair, holistique et interconnecté pour la compréhension du marché : acheteurs, détaillants et produits. Nous voyons les plus grands défis et les plus grandes occasions de votre organisation à travers cette nouvelle lentille et nous vous conseillons sur les stratégies de vente et de marketing.
Notre entreprise a été conçue dès le départ avec ces objectifs ambitieux : voir le monde dans son ensemble, tirer des informations exploitables des points de connexion, et fixer notre vision sur l’avenir et ses possibilités pour vous.
Architecture de choix pour les catégories est le cadre de référence qui relie les acheteurs, les produits et les détaillants (en magasin et en ligne). Il synthétise la segmentation, le parcours d’achat, les arbres de décision et la structure du marché, rendant chacun de ces éléments plus vital et plus significatif pour le marché actuel en pleine évolution.
Architecture de choix pour les catégories de Vista Grande accélérera votre stratégie de vente et élèvera votre niveau d’influence auprès des détaillants.
L’écosystème des biens de consommation a subi d’énormes changements. Relever les défis d’aujourd’hui nécessite de nouvelles méthodes et stratégies. Vista Grande crée un cadre clair, holistique et interconnecté pour la compréhension du marché.
Russ a dirigé des équipes très performantes et conseillé des entreprises de premier plan dans le secteur des produits de consommation courante, notamment des fabricants, des détaillants et des fournisseurs. Il a développé une expertise notable en synthétisant les informations sur les catégories et les consommateurs pour créer et piloter des solutions innovantes de mise sur le marché au niveau de la vente au détail.
Chez Nestlé et Campbell Soup, il a dirigé de grandes équipes centralisées couvrant les fonctions de leadership de catégorie et de connaissance des consommateurs. Chez IRI, il a développé le secteur des boissons alcoolisées, dirigé l’équipe de Safeway pendant les phases de formation de la gestion par catégorie et contribué au lancement de la première application commerciale du marketing de fidélisation de Safeway.
Russ a été consultant en stratégie de vente au détail pour plusieurs des plus grandes entreprises mondiales du secteur de l’alimentation et des boissons. Il est titulaire d’un diplôme d’économie et de sciences politiques de l’Université de Stanford. Il réside à Tampa, en Floride, avec sa femme et sa fille cadette.
Leo est à la tête de l’initiative visant à intégrer la programmation d’enquêtes à l’interne à Vista Grande. Il est programmeur dans le secteur des études de marché depuis plus de dix ans. Ses projets incluent un large éventail d’industries comme les biens de consommation, les soins de santé et les services financiers où il a aidé à transformer les enquêtes des clients en données exploitables.
Leo a acquis de l’expérience dans la mise en place d’outils industriels comme les conjoints, les maxdiffs, les algorithmes de segmentation, les exercices en rayon et les zones sensibles. Il a également développé et construit diverses solutions personnalisées pour s’assurer de répondre aux exigences des clients.
Leo est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en ingénierie de l’Université McMaster à Hamilton. Il réside actuellement à Toronto où il aime jouer au volley-ball et rester actif.
Kristina s’intéresse particulièrement à la perspective humaine. Elle met cette passion au service de la perspective du consommateur dans les études de marché. Elle a déjà travaillé sur la conception d’enquêtes et l’analyse technique.
Kristina est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en neurosciences et d’une mineure en informatique de l’Université de Guelph. Ses études lui ont permis d’acquérir des bases en psychologie, en recherche sur les utilisateurs et en statistiques, autant d’éléments qu’elle met à profit pour adopter un point de vue critique et holistique en matière d’études de marché. En dehors du travail, Kristina aime peindre, faire de la randonnée et expérimenter de nouvelles recettes.
Shavin est un professionnel expérimenté des études de marché. Il a acquis plus de six ans d’expertise dans divers secteurs, en se concentrant principalement sur l’industrie des biens de consommation emballés. Il a joué un rôle crucial dans l’accompagnement des clients dans leurs stratégies de marketing et de marque, les aidant à prendre des décisions éclairées pour favoriser leur croissance future.
Shavin est titulaire d’une maîtrise en administration des affaires de l’université Christ, en Inde. Il a acquis un vif intérêt pour les études de marché pendant ses années d’études et a mené des études approfondies pour comprendre les modèles de comportement des consommateurs. Depuis, il a consacré sa carrière à aider les entreprises à prendre des décisions bien informées, fondées sur des informations exploitables tirées de données.
Shavin réside actuellement à Ottawa avec sa femme et aime découvrir les paysages à couper le souffle de la région en faisant de la randonnée et du camping.
Cici souhaite approfondir ses connaissances et son expérience en matière d’analyse de données et de connaissance des consommateurs. Très motivée et soucieuse du détail, elle s’efforce d’aider ses clients à visualiser le succès et à déterminer des solutions efficaces pour atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux. Auparavant, Cici a participé à des recherches universitaires créatives dans des établissements d’enseignement supérieur.
Elle est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en sciences politiques de l’Université Wilfrid Laurier et a récemment obtenu un diplôme d’analyste de recherche au Humber College. Elle habite à Toronto et aime passer son temps libre à tenir un journal, à jouer de la musique classique et à faire du patin à roues alignées ou du patin à glace.
Luis est enchanté de continuer à développer ses compétences en matière d’analyse de données et de techniques d’étude de marché avec Vista Grande. Dans ses fonctions précédentes, il s’est concentré sur l’analyse de marché dans un large éventail d’industries. Luis excelle dans le travail au sein d’équipes multiculturelles et internationales sur plusieurs fuseaux horaires.
Luis est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en administration des affaires de l’Université South Florida et d’une maîtrise en commerce international de l’Université de Victoria. Il réside aujourd’hui à Toronto et pratique le jiu-jitsu brésilien, dont il est ceinture violette.
Russ has led high performance teams and advised leading companies throughout the CPG industry including manufacturers, retailers, and suppliers. He has developed notable expertise synthesizing category and shopper insights to create and drive innovate go-to-market solutions at retail.
At Nestle and Campbell Soup Russ led large centralized teams spanning category leadership and shopper insights functions. At IRI he built up the alcoholic beverage practice, led the Safeway team during the formative stages of category management, and helped launch Safeway’s first commercial application of loyalty marketing.
Russ has been a retail strategy consultant for several of the world’s largest food and beverage companies. He is a graduate of Stanford University in economics and political science. He lives in Tampa, FL with his wife and youngest daughter.
Nancy is a seasoned business strategist and global team leader with over 35 years of experience in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector. Throughout her career, Nancy has held key leadership roles at several prominent CPG organizations including Molson Coors, Reynolds Consumer Products, Mars (Wrigley) and Kraft Foods, where she has developed the keen ability to analyze complex business challenges and provide actionable solutions via consumer and shopper insights. Her expertise lies in category management strategy and she has a proven track record of helping sales organizations navigate competitive retail landscapes and optimize category performance. Nancy has a BS degree from University of Illinois and an MBA from Loyola University Chicago Quinlan School of Business and resides in the Chicago area with her husband.
Brad has over 15 years of experience designing and managing large scale shopper insights initiatives for the world’s largest brands. He specializes in developing creative research solutions and turning complex data into compelling, persuasive stories for C-level executives and functional leaders.
Brad has experience both on the client side and the supplier side, working extensively across CPG as well as food service, telecom, financial services and transportation & logistics. he has developed trusted long-term relationships with a range of companies including Nestle, PepsiCo, Heinz, Intuit, McCormick, SC Johnson, Verizon, and others.
Brad is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in advertising. He lives in the suburbs of Kansas City with his wife and two children.
Maggie is a marketing strategy and consumer insights executive with over 25 years of client-side experience in brand management and market research at some of the world’s largest CPG companies. She is passionate about synthesizing, learning, and developing strategic action plans to address business challenges. She is widely recognized by her colleagues for her action-orientation.
Maggie led the creation of the Market Intelligence Center of Excellence at Nestlé Dreyer’s Ice Cream. At Nestlé SA, she led an Insights team that launched effective category growth initiatives including shopper-based assortment and arrangement principles.
Maggie holds a BS in Marketing and Finance and MBA from the University of California at Berkeley. She lives in Walnut Creek, California with her husband and has two sons in college.
Michelle is a market research professional with 25 years of collective experience on the client side of General Mills and as a supplier with well-known companies such as GfK and Research International. She has recently worked across various industries with leading companies such as Pfizer, Mondelez, Nestlé Purina, Nestlé USA, Nestlé Waters, Abbott Nutrition, Dole, Hain Celestial, etc.
Michelle’s experience in research design, implementation, project management, and analysis is a tremendous asset to the success of her clients’ projects.
Michelle has a B.S. in Marketing from the University of Central Missouri. She lives in downtown Kansas City where she is also involved in real estate rentals.
Josh has 15+ years of experience connecting brands with their customers, leveraging a variety of custom market research solutions to drive marketing ROI. With a primary focus on communications optimization, he has delivered actionable insights across a number of verticals, including Financial Services, Automotive, Healthcare, and Alcoholic Beverage.
Josh's strength lies in his ability to see the "big picture" and to turn "numbers into stories" - allowing clients to more directly affect change in their organizations. He most recently built a global ad tracking program and analytical framework for a large automotive manufacturer across four continents.
Josh is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison with degrees in Marketing and Finance. Originally from the New York City area, he lives in the Chicago suburbs with his wife and three young children.
Nikki is a recognized and proven influential leader driving cross-functional decisions via a strategic, solution-oriented aptitude. With over 25 years of experience, she identifies growth opportunities by translating insights into action. She has cross-industry experience, both globally and in the US. Nikki is valued as a trusted partner/consultant credited with growing, managing and retaining partnerships.
Nikki’s client- and agency-side experience at companies such as Mondelez International and Circana powers her ability to see the big picture. Nikki uncovers the true problem to solve, identifies the best approach to generate solutions, and specializes in illuminating insights through compelling stories. Additionally, Nikki has created and led immersive experiences that drive a deeper understanding of stakeholders to inspire meaningful action.
Nikki earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Montclair State University with a double concentration in Marketing and Management. Nikki resides in New Jersey with her husband and son.
Jordan brings nearly 20 years of expertise in driving actionable insights for CPG companies through strategic marketing research, customer support, and data-driven decision-making. He has successfully led hundreds of projects, utilizing custom research methods to optimize packaging, innovation, aisle flow, assortment, shopper decision trees, pricing, and more.
With a diverse background serving clients in CPG, food service, financial technology, and telecom, Jordan excels at designing research with clear objectives in mind. He is adept at uncovering core issues, crafting effective solutions, and transforming complex data into compelling insights.
Jordan is a graduate of the University of Kansas with a degree in Marketing. He lives in Overland Park, Kansas with his wife and three children.
Larry is a Category Management & Shopper Insights professional with over 35 years of experience across major CPG companies (Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, Heineken, and the Boston Beer Company) that span 17 categories and multiple supply chain environments. His expertise is in retailer collaboration, leading teams, and strategic thought leadership. Additionally, Larry has worked in pricing analytics and trade promotion management.
Larry most recently spent 9 years at the Boston Beer Company where he led the effort to build category management & shopper insights teams and capabilities. The primary focus was turning data into insights and implications supporting sales & marketing teams.
Larry has been an active member with the Category Management & Shopper Insights Association since 2010, presenting at multiple conferences and leading peer network groups. He has also served on the Shopper Insights Management Association (SIMA) advisory board since 2020. He graduated from Northeastern University with a BS degree in marketing and resides in the New York area with his wife.
Neil is an insights leader passionate about understanding what drives people’s choices and helping brands forge meaningful connections with their audiences. He believes that uncovering the “why” behind consumer behavior is crucial for brands to achieve sustainable business growth and build authentic consumer relationships.
With over 20 years of experience in the insights industry in various roles and teams, Neil has worked across a range of categories and markets, including CPG, electronics, durables, apparel, and services, consistently bringing a strategic approach to every project. His expertise spans areas such as segmentation, needs identification, brand and portfolio development, and retail and shopper insights. Prior to joining Vista Grande he most recently led the US Shopper Insights team at Ipsos. By leveraging thoughtful data analysis, insight synthesis, and compelling visualizations, he helps businesses refine their strategies, create growth roadmaps, and align teams to drive competitiveness in a dynamic market.
Neil holds a degree in Business Management from Ithaca College and lives in New Jersey with his wife and two daughters.
Erin is an experienced market research project manager with a track record of success based on over a hundred diverse research initiatives. She has led studies ranging from Decision Trees, innovation assessment, package testing, and shelf arrangement for CPG firms of all sizes and across all categories.
On each project, Erin strives to deliver excellence throughout the process to ensure we deliver quality work in a timely manner. She takes pride in carefully thinking through the design to make sure our insights will prove actionable to our clients.
Erin became interested in market research during her undergraduate studies, where she majored in Marketing. She earned her MBA from the University of Missouri, Kansas City. She lives on the outskirts of Kansas City in Missouri with her husband and two children.
Derrick has 15 years of combined experience on the client and supplier sides executing research projects in B2C and B2B.
Derrick specializes in complex data analysis and translating that complexity into something that can be easily understood for his clients. Prior to his time in B2B, he spent nine years working across multiple industries with companies such as Nestle Purina, Nestle USA, Pfizer and Abbott Nutrition.
Derrick has an MBA and B.S. in Marketing Research from Missouri State University. He lives on the outskirts of Kansas City with his wife and three children.
As the Director of Operations, Nicole assumes a central role in ensuring the seamless operation of our organization. Her responsibilities encompass a spectrum of crucial tasks, including but not limited to, coordinating resource allocations, overseeing comprehensive financial management, aiding in contract administration, and steering human resource initiatives.
Prior to her current role, Nicole served as a Senior Marketing Research Analyst, where she was the primary day-to-day point of contact for our consumer-packaged goods clients. Formerly, she garnered experience across various sectors within the marketing research industry, encompassing CPG research, B2B food/beverage and packaging research, as well as qualitative and quantitative telephone interviewing methodologies.
Nicole earned her Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from the University of Central Missouri. Presently, she lives in the Kansas City vicinity with her family.
Haley has a passion for discovering and connecting trends in data to tell a cohesive story. Her range of research experience across multiple industries, along with her specialized master’s degree allow her to view projects from a unique perspective.
Haley has worked on large-scale B2B research studies for Anheuser-Busch and has also developed custom market studies to support strategy development for ambulatory surgery centers in the healthcare space. She is skilled in all stages of a marketing research project including client management, research design, and data analytics.
Haley earned her B.S. in Marketing, and a Master of Marketing Research from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, where she ran competitively at the NCAA Division 1 level. She now lives in Nashville, TN and enjoys exploring the city, hiking, and training for marathons.
Leo is leading the charge to bring survey programming in-house at Vista Grande. He has been a programmer in the market research industry for over a decade. His projects include a wide range of industries such as consumer goods, healthcare, and financial services where he has helped transform client surveys into actionable data.
Leo has experience setting up industry tools from conjoints, maxdiffs, and segmentation algorithms to shelf and hotspot exercises. He has also developed and built various custom solutions to ensure client requirements are met.
Leo has a B.Eng. from McMaster University in Hamilton. He currently lives in Toronto where he enjoys playing volleyball and staying active.
Thomas is a passionate digital creative and marketing specialist, originally from Melbourne, Australia. His sharp good’eye (mate) helps ensure our content and marketing material is of the highest quality. He has experience branding, designing, and writing for well-known household names.
A jack-of-all-trades, Thomas’ first job as a teen was at a grocery store as a shelf stacker where he gained an early appreciation for consumer-packaged goods. He went on to work his creative magic as a professional musician on cruise ships before diving into the vast depths of web development, design, and copywriting.
Thomas earned his B.A. in Sociology from Macquarie University, Sydney. He lives with his wife in Portland, Oregon and likes to spend time staying fit, cooking, and playing music.
Ken entered the world of CPG as a Senior Market Research Manager at ConAgra in the 1990s. He has also worked in advanced analytics at Liberty Mutual, Hughes Aircraft, and Encirq, where he was Director of Quantitative Marketing.
For the last 15 years Ken has run his own consulting practice called KMS Analytics, with expertise in statistical and econometric modeling and quantitative marketing research including segmentation, target marketing, test design, etc. His work spans multiple industries including CPG, telecom, pharmaceuticals, health care, financial services, etc.
Kristina has a particular interest in human perspective. She harnesses this passion into the shopper's perspective in market research. Her previous experience is in survey design and technical analysis.
Kristina earned a B.Sc in Neuroscience with a minor in Computer Science at the University of Guelph. Her education has provided foundations in psychology, user research, and statistics– all which she leverages in being critical and holistic about market research. Outside of work, Kristina likes to paint, hike, and experiment with cooking new recipes.
Carolin's career spans a wide range of sectors including education, law, technology, and even managing a dry cleaners. She combines her client-centric, research-driven, and operations-oriented background to drive business growth through data insights, while enabling her colleagues to perform at their best by improving processes and optimizing workflows.
Carolin explored her entrepreneurial spirit by creating her own line of ride snacks, which sparked an interest in understanding how brands best position themselves in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) market. This experience deepened her curiosity about the ever-evolving landscape of marketing and brand strategy.
Carolin earned her B.A. in Cognitive Science from the University of California, Berkeley. Now based in San Francisco, she spends her weekends savoring the city’s culinary delights, balancing her love for food with long bike rides through the scenic roads and gravel trails of the Bay Area’s mountains.
Luis is delighted to continue advancing his data analysis skills and market research techniques with Vista Grande. In previous roles, he has focused on market analysis in a wide range of industries. Luis is proficient at working in multicultural and international teams across multiple time zones.
Luis earned his B.S. in Business Administration from the University of South Florida and a Master of Global Business from the University of Victoria. He now lives in Toronto and enjoys doing Brazilian Jiujitsu, where he holds the rank of purple belt.
Christopher is an artificial intelligence engineer with a strong background in software development, educated at Centennial College. Originally from Puebla City, Mexico, he has gained extensive experience in data science and software engineering over the past decade, working in industries such as wireless telecommunications, lithography, and software consulting. His skills are further honed by certifications in SQL and development, specializing in database management, infrastructure, and networking.
Now residing in the Greater Toronto Area, Christopher holds an advanced diploma in Artificial Intelligence from Centennial College and a bachelor’s degree in IT from Instituto Tecnológico de Puebla. His career includes roles at Telcel, where he developed payment procedures and managed server infrastructure, and Praxis, where he tested and implemented solutions for major banks.
Outside of work, Christopher enjoys staying active and exploring new places with his family. He is passionate about learning and applying new technologies to drive growth and innovation in his field.
Cici is interested in furthering her knowledge and experience in data analysis and consumer insights. A highly motivated and detail-oriented individual, she strives to assist clients in visualizing success and identifying effective solutions for their business goals. Cici was previously involved in creative academic research at post-secondary institutions.
Cici has a B.A. in Political Science from Wilfrid Laurier University and is a recent graduate of the Research Analyst program at Humber College. She resides in Toronto, Ontario and enjoys spending her free time journaling, playing classical music, and rollerblading or ice-skating.
Shavin is an experienced market research professional and has gained over six years of expertise across various industries, primarily focusing on the consumer-packaged goods industry. He has played a crucial role in assisting clients with their marketing and branding strategies, helping them make well-informed decisions to foster future growth.
Shavin earned a Masters in Business Administration from Christ University, India. He developed a keen interest in market research during his academic years and conducted thorough studies to understand consumer behavior patterns. Since then, he has dedicated his career to assisting businesses in making well-informed decisions based on actionable insights derived from data.
Currently residing in Ottawa, Ontario with his wife, Shavin enjoys exploring the area's breathtaking landscapes on hiking and camping trips.
Hunter is someone that seeks to answer any and all questions. His analytical mindset drives his passion and curiosity in the data analysis and consumer insight environments. His previous experience with customer data in the financial and education industries has molded a very detail-oriented, legible framework that he strives to carry into Vista Grande.
Hunter obtained his B.S. in both Marketing and Information Technology & Analytics from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. Immediately after, he pursued his Masters in Information Technology, which was completed in August of 2023. He resides in northeastern Pennsylvania and enjoys kayaking, board/card games, and trying coffee beans from around the world.
Meghan is an experienced research analyst with several years working in a variety of industries, primarily automotive. She has an interest in consumer shopping behaviors and is excited to broaden her knowledge in CPG. Meghan loves working in market research because she is able to provide clients with meaningful insights to help grow their business.
Meghan earned her B.S. in Marketing from Central Michigan University. She is a native Michigander and now lives in the Metro Detroit area. When not at work, Meghan enjoys reading, traveling to new cities, and spending time with family.
Tidiane is a market research analyst with a specialized focus on the CPG and technology sectors, encompassing both B2B and B2C. He brings a solid foundation in data analysis and consumer insights, and he is always looking to deepen his understanding of market dynamics. He is eager to tackle new challenges and deliver meaningful research that supports his team’s decision-making.
Tidiane holds a B.S. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Master’s in Business Analytics and Marketing from Boston University. He currently lives in New Jersey where he enjoys exploring museums and attending live music events.
Kella is a strategic thinker with expertise in market research, consumer insights, and data analysis. She is passionate about tackling complex challenges, uncovering actionable insights from data, and developing strategies that create meaningful impact. With a collaborative mindset, Kella brings creativity and strong problem-solving abilities to every project, working effectively with others to find innovative solutions.
At the Minnesota Vikings, Kella played a pivotal role in enhancing fan engagement initiatives and optimizing organizational workflows. She led projects that expanded the Vikings’ reach among Gen Z and international fans and built centralized systems to improve information accessibility.
Kella holds a BA from Barnard College of Columbia University and resides in Minneapolis. Outside of work, she enjoys baking and cycling.
Victoria-Grace is passionate about research design, data analysis, and understanding human behavior as a foundation for the delivery of actionable insights. She blends her expertise in research methods with a deep interest in psychology to develop data-driven strategies and uncover market opportunities.
Her background includes academic research, during which she contributed to study design, data analysis, and authoring scientific publications focused on communication and memory impairments following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). She is eager to translate this experience into the consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector.
Victoria-Grace holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Belmont University. A Nashville native, she enjoys exploring the city’s vibrant live music scene. In her downtime, she is an avid reader who loves to unwind with a good book.
Transformez votre stratégie grâce à des informations exploitables sur le magasinage. En tant que société de recherche consultative dotée d’une vaste expérience, nous nous engageons à comprendre vos défis et à collaborer à l’élaboration de solutions efficaces et personnalisées. Ensemble, façonnons l’avenir de votre succès commercial.